Information for poster presenters

Basic Information for Poster Presenters

  • You are expected to bring your own printed posters and hang them yourselves.
  • Posters will be displayed in two rotations; the first rotation on the Tuesday (10th May) and the second on the Wednesday (11th May) of the conference. Please check out the rotation schedule to see which day your poster should be hung.
  • Posters will be carefully arranged according to thematic clusters. Therefore you must use the dedicated poster board for your own poster, labelled with your Final Poster ID listed in the rotation schedule and in the Conference Proceedings.
  • There is no prescribed orientation, size or format for posters. However, the poster boards at the venue are approximately 45 inches wide and 91 inches high (from floor level) so you should keep your dimensions within that space.
  • Your posters should be hung up before 10.00 AM and must be taken down at the end of the day.
  • You must be physically present at the poster during two coffee break sessions on your designated day (i.e. either the Tuesday or the Wednesday) – see below.
  • The Student Volunteers will be present during the installation and tear-down to assist the authors. We will provide push pins to affix posters.


During the Coffee Breaks

  • You should be present at your poster to discuss your work with CHI colleagues during both the morning (10.20-11.00) and afternoon (15.20-16.00) coffee breaks on your designated day.
  • We plan some interactivity during these sessions; more details to follow by email!

Please email the Late-Breaking Work Chairs if you have any questions.