Selection Processes
- Refereed content is rigorously reviewed by members of the program committee and peer experts. The process includes an opportunity for authors to respond to referees’ critiques. Submitters can expect to receive formal feedback from reviewers. The program committee may ask authors for specific changes as a condition of publication. Papers and Notes are refereed content.
- Juried content is reviewed by a committee but in a less rigorous process than refereed and does not include an author’s response or conditional acceptance. Juried content is generally not required to make the same level of lasting and significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding as refereed content. Authors who submit to juried tracks may expect to receive light feedback of up to a few paragraphs in length. The following tracks contain juried content: Works-in-Progress, Case Studies, alt.chi, Student Design, Game and Research Competitions.
- Curated content is highly selective but does not necessarily follow a reviewing process by a committee. Curated content may be selected from submissions or invited by the track chairs. Authors who submit to curated tracks should not expect to receive formal feedback on their submission other than the selection decision. The following tracks contain curated content: Workshops, Panels, Courses, Doctoral Consortium, Interactivity, Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings, Videos.
Republishability of Contributions
Refereed content is published in the main conference proceedings which is part of the Human Computer Interaction Archive and appears in the ACM digital library. Authors must assign copyright of the content or assign an exclusive license to distribute to ACM, which restricts reuse of the content according to the ACM Copyright Policy. Authors do retain some rights for reuse of the material. Alternatively, authors may pay an upfront fee to ACM for Open Access.
Juried and curated content represent CHI’s Extended Abstracts and are published in the CHI Extended Abstracts which is a semiarchival, widely disseminated publication that appears in the ACM digital library. Copyright of content in the Extended Abstracts that is 6 pages and under in length is retained by the authors, not assigned to the ACM. Authors may republish the material outside of the ACM except where otherwise noted.
For ACM conferences, including CHI, material that has been published in a semiarchival, widely disseminated publication such as the CHI Extended Abstracts, should not be republished unless the work has been “significantly” revised. Guidelines for determining “significance” of a revision are stated in the ACM Policy on Pre-Publication Evaluation and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions. Roughly, a significant revision would contain at least 25% unpublished material and significantly amplify or clarify the original material. These are subjective measures left to the interpretation of the reviewers and committee members – authors are wise to revise well beyond the Policy guidelines.
Whenever submitting material that has partially appeared in a widely disseminated publication, it is good practice to cite the prior publication in accordance with the ACM’s Plagiarism Policy and explicitly state the differences between the new and prior material.