Guide to Selecting a Subcommittee for Submission

List of the subcommittees

Subcommittees are listed and described below. Each has a title, short description, and an indication of who will Chair and serve on the subcommittee. Subcommittees have been constructed with an eye to maintaining logically coherent clusters of topics.



CHI 2016 anticipates around 3,000 Papers and Notes submissions. The review process needs to handle this load while also providing high-quality reviews, which requires that each submission is handled by an expert Associate Chair (AC) who can recruit expert reviewers. The organization of the CHI program committee into topical subcommittees helps achieve this. See the description of the Papers and Notes review process for a detailed explanation of the responsibilities of the ACs Subcommittee Chairs (SCs).

Authors are required to suggest a subcommittee to review your submission. This page provides guidance on choosing the appropriate subcommittee for your submission.


Subcommittee selection process

When you submit a Paper or Note, you will designate which subcommittee you want to handle your submission. In the vast majority of cases, the subcommittee you select is the one that will review your submission. In cases where the Papers Chairs and/or Subcommittee Chairs recognize that your submission will be reviewed more thoroughly in another committee, a submission may be transferred from one subcommittee to another. If a submission is transferred to another subcommittee, this will happen in the first week of the process, before reviewers are assigned; i.e., transferring will not affect a submission’s review process, it will only ensure that it receives the most complete, fair set of reviews.

Below, you will see a list of subcommittees and descriptions of the topics they are covering, the name of each SC, and the names of the ACs serving on each subcommittee. It is your responsibility to select the subcommittee that best matches the expertise needed to assess your research, and that you believe will most fully appreciate your contribution to the field of HCI.
CHI has traditionally supported diverse and interdisciplinary work and continues to expand into new topics not previously explored. We recognize that as a result, you may find several different subcommittees which are plausible matches for your work. However, for a number of reasons it will be necessary for you to select one target subcommittee, and you should strive to find the best match based on what you think is the main contribution of your submission (examples of papers that are considered good matches are linked below for each subcommittee). You can also email the SCs for guidance if you are unsure (an email alias is provided below for each set of SCs). Also, see the Subcommittee FAQ at the end of this page to see if specific guidance is available for your submission’s area.

Note that the scope of each subcommittee is not rigidly defined. Each has a broad mandate, and most subcommittees cover a collection of different topics. Further, SCs and ACs are all seasoned researchers, experienced with program committee review work, and each is committed to a process which seeks to assign each paper reviewers who are true experts in whatever the subject matter of the paper is. ACs recognize that many papers, or perhaps even most papers, will not perfectly fit the definition of their subcommittee’s scope. Consequently, papers will not be penalized or downgraded because they do not align perfectly with a particular subcommittee. Interdisciplinary, multi-topic, and cross-topic papers are encouraged, and will be carefully and professionally judged by all subcommittees.

In making a subcommittee choice you should make careful consideration of what the most central and salient contribution of your work is, even if there are several different contributions. As an example, let’s say you are writing a paper about Ergonomic Business Practices for the Elderly using Novel Input Devices. Perhaps this is a very new topic. It covers a lot of ground. It’s not an exact fit for any of the subcommittees, but several choices are plausible. To choose between them, you need to make a reasoned decision about the core contributions of your work. Should it be evaluated in terms of the usage context for the target user community? The novel methodology developed for your study? The system and interaction techniques you have developed? Each of these evaluation criteria may partially apply, but try to consider which is most central and which you most want to highlight for your readers. Also look at the subcommittees, the people who will serve on them, and the kind of work they have been associated with in the past. Even if there are several subcommittees that could offer fair and expert assessments of this work, go with the one that really fits the most important and novel contributions of your paper. That committee will be in the best position to offer constructive and expert review feedback on the contributions of your research.

Each subcommittee description also links to several recent CHI papers that the SCs feel are good examples of papers that fit scope of that subcommittee. Please look at these examples as a way to decide on the best subcommittee for your paper – but remember that these are just a few examples, and do not specify the full range of topics that would fit with any subcommittee.


Technology, Systems, and Engineering

This subcommittee will focus on technology, systems, and engineering contributions that enable, improve, or advance interaction. This will include software and hardware technologies that enable and demonstrate novel interactive capabilities, as well as languages, methods, and tools for construction and engineering of interactive systems.

Engineering contributions should clearly demonstrate how they address interactive systems concerns. They can be targeted at end users, offering novel interaction capabilities or supporting simplified interactions. They can also be targeted at developers, facilitating the construction of innovative interactive systems.

Subcommittee Chairs:

Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan
Caroline Appert, Université Paris-Sud


Associate Chairs:

Andrea Bunt, University of Manitoba
Emmanuel Pietriga, Inria
Erin Solovey, Drexel University
James Fogarty, University of Washington
Jeffrey Bigham, Carnegie Mellon University
Jessica Cauchard, Stanford University
Jörg Müller, Aarhus University
Michael Nebeling, Carnegie Mellon University
Michael Rohs, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Nicolas Roussel, Inria
Scott Bateman, University of New Brunswick
Stephen Voida, University of Colorado Boulder

Click to view example papers
Changibles: Analyzing and Designing Shape Changing Constructive Assembly
Gesture Script: Recognizing Gestures and their Structure using Rendering Scripts and Interactively Trained Parts
Smarties: An Input System for Wall Display Development
Causality: A Conceptual Model of Interaction History
Structured Labeling for Facilitating Concept Evolution in Machine Learning
Emergent, crowd-scale programming practice in the IDE
28 Frames Later: Predicting Screen Touches From Back-of-Device Grip Changes
WatchConnect: A Toolkit for Prototyping SmartWatch-Based Cross-Device Applications
How fast is fast enough?: a study of the effects of latency in direct-touch pointing tasks
BaseLase: A Public Interactive Focus+Context Laser Floor
A Spreadsheet Model for Handling Streaming Data
ImmerseBoard: Immersive Telepresence Experience using a Digital Whiteboard
Gesture On: Enabling Always-On Touch Gestures for Fast Mobile Access from the Device Standby Mode
Addressing Misconceptions About Code with Always-On Programming Visualizations
MixFab: a Mixed-Reality Environment for Personal Fabrication
The BoomRoom: Mid-air Direct Interaction with Virtual Sound Sources
Combining crowdsourcing and learning to improve engagement and performance
Pervasive Information through Constant Personal Projection: The Ambient Mobile Pervasive Display (AMP-D)
NewsViews: An Automated Pipeline for Creating Custom Geovisualizations for News
SmartVoice: A Presentation Support System For Overcoming the Language Barrier
Constructing Secure Audio CAPTCHAs by Exploiting Differences between Humans and Machines
Zensors: Adaptive, Rapidly Deployable, Human-Intelligent Sensor Feeds
Weave: Scripting Cross-Device Wearable Interaction
Blended Recommending: Integrating Interactive Information Filtering and Algorithmic Recommender Techniques
ModelTracker: Redesigning Performance Analysis Tools for Machine Learning
VeilMe: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Privacy Configuration of Using Personality Traits
Retargeting Technical Documentation to Augmented Reality
Apparition: Crowdsourced User Interfaces That Come To Life As You Sketch Them


Specific Application Areas

This subcommittee will focus on papers that extend the design and understanding of applications for specific application areas or domains of interest to the HCI community. Example application areas and user groups are listed below. Submissions will be evaluated in part based on their impact on the specific application area and/or group that they address, in addition to their impact on HCI. During the Program Committee meeting, this subcommittee will split into three groups based on areas/domains of expertise; submissions will be discussed by the most appropriate group. A submission’s primary keyword will be the main determinant of the group to which it is assigned.

Example user groups: older adults, children, families, people in developing countries, and people with perceptual, cognitive, learning, or motor impairments.

Example application areas: education, health, home, accessibility, sustainability, ICT4D, security, privacy, creativity, software development tools, crowdsourcing, data visualization, and visual analytics.

Subcommittee Chairs:

Alexander De Luca, Google
Chris Quintana, University of Michigan
Jeff Heer, University of Washington
Julie Kientz, University of Washington
Leah Findlater, University of Maryland
Mike Hazas, Lancaster University


Associate Chairs:

Allison Woodruff, Google
Amy Hurst, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Amy Ogan, Carnegie Mellon University
Andrea Bianchi, KAIST
Angela Sasse, University College London
Anind K. Dey, Carnegie Mellon University
Anne Marie Piper, Northwestern University
Betsy DiSalvo, Georgia Institute of Technology
Brian Bailey, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
David Flatla, University of Dundee
Eelke Folmer, University of Nevada, Reno
Eun Kyoung Choe, Pennsylvania State University
Florian Block, Harvard University
Florian Schaub, Carnegie Mellon University
Gabriela Marcu, Drexel University
Gavin Doherty, Trinity College Dublin
Hao-Hua Chu, National Taiwan University
Jason Yip, University of Washington
June Ahn, University of Maryland College Park
Karyn Moffatt, McGill University
Lauren Wilcox, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lena Mamykina, Columbia University
Lilly Irani, University of California San Diego
Maria Håkansson, Chalmers University of Technology
Mark W. Newman, University of Michigan
Marshini Chetty, University of Maryland College Park
Melissa Densmore, University of Cape Town
Mikael B. Skov, Aalborg University
Miriah Meyer, University of Utah
Nathalie Henry-Riche, Microsoft
Nicki Dell, University of Washington
Niklas Elmqvist, University of Maryland College Park
Paul Dunphy, Atom Bank (UK)
Predrag Pedja Klasnja, University of Michigan
Ranjitha Kumar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Remco Chang, Tufts University
Robert Comber, Newcastle University
Serge Egelman, University of California, Berkeley / ICSI
Steve Oney, University of Michigan
Svetlana Yarosh, University of Minnesota
Tiago Guerreiro, University of Lisbon
Walter S. Lasecki, University of Michigan
Wesley Willett, University of Calgary
Yang Wang, Syracuse University
Zhicheng Liu, Adobe Research

Click to view example papers
The Dubuque electricity portal: evaluation of a city-scale residential electricity consumption feedback system
Beyond being green: Simple living families and ICT
OneSpace: Shared Visual Scenes for Active Freeplay
Taking Part: role-play in the design of therapeutic system
The Presentation Effect on Graphical Passwords
Betrayed By Updates: How Negative Experiences Affect Future Security
Experimenting At Scale With Google Chrome’s SSL Warning
Rethinking Plan A for Sustainable HCI
Never Too Old: Engaging Retired People Inventing The Future With MaKey MaKey
Wearables and Chairables: Inclusive Design of Mobile Input and Output Techniques for Power Wheelchair Users
Conversing with Children: Cartoon and Video People Elicit Similar Conversational Behaviors
“My religious aunt asked why I was trying to sell her viagra”: Experiences with account hijacking
Understanding Quantified-Selfers’ Practices in Collecting and Exploring Personal Data
Making Sustainability Sustainable: Challenges in the Design of Eco-Interaction Technologies
Barrier and Negative Nudges: Exploring Challenges in Food Journaling
Sangeet Swara: A Community-Moderated Voice Forum in Rural India
Fluid Grouping: Quantifying Group Engagement around Interactive Tabletop Exhibits in the Wild
ArtMaps: Interpreting the Spatial Footprints of Artworks
Polymorphic Blocks: Formalism-Inspired UI for Structured Connectors
From Care Plans to Care Coordination: Opportunities for Computer Support of Teamwork in Complex Healthcare
New Interaction Tools for Preserving an Old Language
Statsplorer: Guiding Novices in Statistical Analysis
Factful: Engaging Taxpayers in the Public Discussion of a Government Budget
MatrixWave: Visual Comparison of Event Sequence Data
Designing for Citizen Data Analysis: A Cross-Sectional Case Study of a Multi-Domain Citizen Science Platform
ColourID: Improving Colour Identification for People with Impaired Colour Vision
How Deceptive are Deceptive Visualizations?: An Empirical Analysis of Common Distortion Techniques


Games and Play

This subcommittee will focus on papers across all areas of games and playful interaction. Although methods may vary, rigour is expected and submissions will be judged according to the standards for the chosen approach. Topics include but are not limited to: game interaction (novel interfaces and mechanics), playful interaction (toys, books, and leisure), the design and development of games, player experience evaluation (psychology of players, games user research and analytics), serious games (gamification, persuasive games, games for health or learning), and understanding play.

Subcommittee Chairs:

Florian Müller, RMIT University
Kathrin Gerling, University of Lincoln
Regan Mandryk, University of Saskatchewan


Associate Chairs:

Ben Schouten, Eindhoven University of Technology
Bonnie Nardi, University of California Irvine
Conor Linehan, University College Cork
Daniel Johnson, Queensland University of Technology
Dennis Wixon, University of Southern California
Heather Desurvire, User Behavioristics Inc.
Janet C. Read, University of Central Lancashire
Katherine Isbister, New York University
Lennart Nacke, University of Waterloo
Mark Hancock, University of Waterloo
Nicholas Graham, Queen’s University
Perttu Hämäläinen, Aalto University
Rilla Khaled, Concordia University
Sebastian Deterding, Northeastern University
Vero Vanden Abeele, KU Leuven
Zachary O. Toups, New Mexico State University

Click to view example papers
Biofeedback game design: using direct and indirect physiological control to enhance game interaction
Movement-Based Game Guidelines
Moving Beyond Fun: Evaluating Serious Experience in Digital Games
The impact of tutorials on games of varying complexity
Not doing but thinking: the role of challenge in the gaming experience
Athletes and street acrobats: designing for play as a community value in parkour
Communication and commitment in an online game team
Improving literacy in developing countries using speech recognition-supported games on mobile devices
Full-body motion-based game interaction for older adults
Reducing compensatory motions in video games for stroke rehabilitation
Of BATs and APEs: an interactive tabletop game for natural history museums
Playable character: extending digital games into the real world
Game design for promoting counterfactual thinking
The design space of body games: technological, physical, and social design
Control your game-self: effects of controller type on enjoyment, motivation, and personality in game
Design metaphors for procedural content generation in games
How does it play better?: exploring user testing and biometric storyboards in games user research
In search of learning: facilitating data analysis in educational games
Optimizing challenge in an educational game using large-scale design experiments
Creating and analyzing stereoscopic 3D graphical user interfaces in digital games
Mastering the art of war: how patterns of gameplay influence skill in Halo
Villains, architects and micro-managers: what tabula rasa teaches us about game orchestration
Playing with leadership and expertise: military tropes and teamwork in an arg
Understanding exergame users’ physical activity, motivation and behavior over time
Designing reusable alternate reality games
Prototyping in PLACE: a scalable approach to developing location-based apps and games
A tribute to Mad skill: expert amateur visuality and World of Warcraft Machinima
Three perspectives on behavior change for serious games
From competition to metacognition: designing diverse, sustainable educational games
Using an open card sort with children to categorize games in a mobile phone application store
Movement-based game guidelines
Human factors of speed-based exergame controllers
A systematic review of quantitative studies on the enjoyment of digital entertainment games
Tailoring persuasive health games to gamer type
Designing action-based exergames for children with cerebral palsy
Design tactics for authentic interactive fiction: insights from alternate reality game designers
What did spot hide?: a question-answering game for preschool children
Exertion in the small: improving differentiation and expressiveness in sports games with physical controls
Supporting the creative game design process with exertion cards
“healthifying” exergames: improving health outcomes through intentional priming
Designing tangible video games: lessons learned from the sifteo cubes
Effects of balancing for physical abilities on player performance, experience and self-esteem in exergames
A game-based learning approach to road safety: the code of everand
Spent: changing students’ affective learning toward homelessness through persuasive video game play
Audience experience in social videogaming: effects of turn expectation and game physicality
A user study of different gameplay visualizations
The influence of controllers on immersion in mobile games
Combining think-aloud and physiological data to understand video game experiences
The MOY framework for collaborative play design in integrated shared and private interactive spaces
The effectiveness (or lack thereof) of aim-assist techniques in first-person shooter games
Streaming on twitch: fostering participatory communities of play within live mixed media
CADament: a gamified multiplayer software tutorial system


Social Computing and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work

This subcommittee is suitable for papers and notes that contribute to our understanding of collaborative technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. Successful submissions will advance knowledge, theories, and insights from the social, psychological, behavioral, and organizational dynamics that arise from technology use in various contexts.

Subcommittee Chairs:

N. Sadat Shami, IBM
Pernille Bjørn, University of Copenhagen


Associate Chairs:

Anbang Xu, IBM Research
Antonella De Angeli, University of Trento
Brent Hecht, University of Minnesota
Brian Keegan, Harvard University
Claudia Müller, University of Siegen
Dan Cosley, Cornell University
Daniela Rosner, University of Washington
Gunnar Stevens, University of Siegen
Hilda Tellioglu, Vienna University of Technology
Ingrid Erickson, Rutgers University
Jacki O’Neill, Microsoft
Mark Ackerman, University of Michigan
Michael Bernstein, Stanford University
Michael Muller, IBM Research
Michael Prilla, Ruhr University of Bochum
Moira Burke, Facebook
Munmun De Choudhury, Georgia Tech
Myriam Lewkowicz, Troyes University of Technology
Patrick Shih, Indiana University
Richard Harper, Microsoft
Sarita Yardi Schoenebeck, University of Michigan
Scott Robertson, University of Hawaii
Susanne Bødker, Aarhus University
Victoria Sosik, Google
Volker Wulf, University of Siegen

Click to view example papers
Modeling Ideology and Predicting Policy Change with Social Media: Case of Same-Sex Marriage
Collective Intelligence in Online Collaboration is Robust Across Contexts and Cultures
CrowdMonitor: Mobile Crowd Sensing for Assessing Physical and Digital Activities of Citizens during Emergencies
Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information
The Politics of Measurement and Action
Managing Children’s Online Identities: How Parents Decide what to Disclose about their Children Online
Societal controversies in Wikipedia articles  
Inferring Employee Engagement from Social Media
Design Challenges in Supporting Distributed Knowledge: An Examination of Organizing Elections
The Heart Work of Wikipedia: Gendered, Emotional Labor in the World’s Largest Online Encyclopedia
“I always assumed that I wasn’t really that close to [her]”: Reasoning about invisible algorithms in the news feed
Reducing the Stress of Coordination: Sharing Travel Time Information Between Contacts on Mobile Phones
Now You Can Compete With Anyone: Balancing Players of Different Skill Levels in a First-Person Shooter Game
Standards and/as Innovation: Protocols, Creativity, and Interactive Systems Development in Ecology
Computer-Enabled Project Spaces: Connecting with Palestinian Refugees across Camp Boundaries
We Are Dynamo: Overcoming Stalling and Friction in Collective Action for Crowd Workers
Practice-based Design of a Neighborhood Portal: Focusing on Elderly Tenants in a City Quarter Living Lab
How Activists are Both Born and Made: An Analysis of Users on
Growing Closer on Facebook: Changes in Tie Strength Through Social Network Site Use
Estimating County Health Statistics with Twitter
Estimating the Social Costs of Friendsourcing
“Narco” Emotions: Affect and Desensitization in Social Media during the Mexican Drug War
Goals and Perceived Success of Online Enterprise Communities: What Is Important to Leaders & Members?
ZWERM: a Modular Component Network Approach for an Urban Participation Game
Social Media Participation and Performance at Work: A Longitudinal Study
Crowdsourcing the Future: Predictions Made with a Social Network
Support Matching and Satisfaction in an Online Breast Cancer Support Community
Research on Research: Design Research at the Margins: Academia, Industry and End-Users
Interrupted by a Phone Call: Exploring Designs for Lowering the Impact of Call Notifications for Smartphone Users
Necessary, unpleasant, and disempowering: Reputation management in the internet age
Exploring video streaming in public settings: Shared geocaching over distance using mobile video chat
Effects of Public vs. Private Automated Transcripts on Multiparty Communication between Native and Non-Native English Speakers
Distributed analogical idea generation: Inventing with crowds
Sweet Home: Understanding Diabetes Management via a Chinese Online Community
Comparing Flat and Spherical Displays in a Trust Scenario in Avatar-Mediated Interaction


User Experience and Usability

This subcommittee is suitable for papers that extend the knowledge, practices, methods, components, and tools that make technology more useful, usable, and desirable. Successful papers will present results, practical approaches, tools, technologies, and research methods that demonstrably advance our understanding, design, and evaluation of user experience and/or usability. The focus is on usability and user experience of widely used technologies with contributions being judged substantially on the basis of their demonstrable potential for effective reuse and applicability across a range of application domains or across a range of design, research, and user communities.

Subcommittee Chairs:

Jettie Hoonhout, Philips Research
Mark Dunlop, Strathclyde University


Associate Chairs:

Andrés Lucero, University of Southern Denmark
Ben Steichen
, Santa Clara University
David Geerts, KU Leuven
Effie Law, University of Leicester
Harald Reiterer, University of Konstanz
Jesper Kjeldskov, Aalborg University
Jinwook Seo, Seoul National University
Joe Tullio, Google
Lynne Baillie, Heriot Watt University Edinburgh, UK
Magy Seif El-Nasr, Northeastern University
Marco de Sa, Twitter
Marilyn Lennon, University of Strathclyde
Matthew Lee, Philips Research
Parisa Eslambolchilar, Swansea University
Sameer Patil, New York University
Tom Bartindale, Newcastle University
Vanessa Evers, University of Twente

Click to view example papers
VelociTap: Investigating Fast Mobile Text Entry using Sentence-Based Decoding of Touchscreen Keyboard Input
Computation of Interface Aesthetics
Effects of Ad Quality & Content-relevance on Perceived Content Quality
Mediating Attention for Second Screen Companion Content
S.O.S.: Does Your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Need Help?
Stock Lamp: An Engagement-Versatile Visualization Design
Panopticon as an eLearning Support Search Tool
Causing Commotion with a Shape-changing Bench: Experiencing Shape-Changing Interfaces in Use
Cognitively Inspired Task Design to Improve User Performance on Crowdsourcing Platforms
Exploring the Usefulness of Finger-Based 3D Gesture Menu Selection
Investigating the Feasibility of Extracting Tool Demonstrations from In-Situ Video Content
MinEMail: SMS Alert System for Managing Critical Emails
Show me the Invisible: Visualizing Hidden Content
A Multi-Site Field Study of Crowdsourced Contextual Help: Usage and Perspectives of End-Users and Software Teams
Emotions, Experiences and Usability in Real-Life Mobile Phone Use
‘Timid encounters’: a case study in the use of proximity-based mobile technologies
On saliency, affect and focused attention
Activity-based interaction: designing with child life specialists in a children’s hospital
Reducing compensatory motions in video games for stroke rehabilitation
Engagement with online mental health interventions: an exploratory clinical study of a treatment for depression
Discovery-based games for learning software
When designing usability questionnaires, does it hurt to be positive?
Kairoscope: Managing Time Perception and Scheduling Through Social Event Coordination
When Are Users Comfortable Sharing Locations with Advertisers?
Old wine in new bottles or novel challenges: a critical analysis of empirical studies of user experience
Retrospective think-aloud method: using eye movements as an extra cue for participants’ verbalizations
Designing from within: humanaquarium
Adapting usability testing for oral, rural users
Review spotlight: a user interface for summarizing user-generated reviews using adjective-noun word pairs



This subcommittee will focus on papers that make a contribution to the design of interactive products, services, or systems; or that advance knowledge of the human activity of design as it relates to HCI. It will cover a broad range of design approaches: participatory, user-centered, experience, and service. It will also cover a range of design practices: interaction, industrial, experience, information, architecture, visual communication, and sensorial. Finally, it will focus on design research issues such as aesthetics, values, effects (such as emotion), methods, practices, critique, and theory.

Subcommittee Chairs:

Giulio Jacucci, University of Helsinki
Jodi Forlizzi, Carnegie Mellon University
Mark Blythe, Northumbria University
Tek-Jin Nam, KAIST


Associate Chairs:

Aisling Kelliher, Carnegie Mellon University
Andruid Kerne, Texas A&M University
Bilge Mutlu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Carl DiSalvo, Georgia Tech
Daniel Ashbrook, Rochester Institute of Technology
Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield University
Erik Stolterman, Indiana University Bloomington
Ian Oakley, UNIST
John Vines, Newcastle University
John Zimmerman, Carnegie Mellon University
Kristina Andersen, Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music
Kristina Höök, SICS
Liz Gerber, Northwestern University
Marianne Graves Petersen, Aarhus University
Melanie Feinberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Oren Zuckerman, IDC Herzliya
Scott Davidoff, NASA
Shaun Lawson, University of Lincoln
Simon Bowen, Newcastle University
Steve Harrison, Virginia Tech
Steven Dow, Carnegie Mellon University
William Odom, Simon Fraser University
Youn-kyung Lim, KAIST

Click to view example papers
Exploring the Design Space of Gestural Interaction with Active Tokens through User-Defined Gestures
Communiplay: A Field Study of a Public Display Mediaspace
Designing for Slowness, Anticipation and Re-visitation: A Long Term Field Study of the Photobox
Monadic Exploration: Seeing the Whole Through Its Parts
Generating implications for design through design research
EnergyBugs: Energy Harvesting Wearables for Children
“now that’s definitely a proper hack”: self-made tools in hackerspaces
Opportunities for Odor: Experiences with Smell and Implications for Technology
Quantifying Visual Preferences Around the World
Design Patterns for Exploring and Prototyping Human-Robot Interactions
Making public things: how HCI design can express matters of concern
Remote Handshaking: Touch Enhances Video-Mediated Social Telepresence
Designing for Slowness, Anticipation and Re-visitation: A Long Term Field Study of the Photobox
Diversity for Design: A Framework for Involving Neurodiverse Children in the Technology Design Process
Do-it-yourself cellphones: an investigation into the possibilities and limits of high-tech diy
Breakdown, Obsolescence and Reuse:  HCI and The Art of Repair
Designing For Exploratory Search On Touch Devices
Patina Engraver: Visualizing Activity Logs as Patina in Fashionable Trackers
Being the Machine: Reconfiguring Agency and Control in Hybrid Fabrication
TastyBeats: Designing Palatable Representations of Physical Activity
Tactum: A Skin-Centric Approach to Digital Design and Fabrication
Solutionism, the Game: Design Fictions for Positive Aging
Energy Babble: Mixing Environmentally-Oriented Internet Content to Engage Community Groups
Snot, Sweat, Pain, Mud, and Snow – Performance and Experience in the Use of Sports Watches
TurningPoint: Narrative-Driven Presentation Planning
From Checking On to Checking In: Designing for Low Socio-Economic Status Older Adults
Stay on the boundary: artifact analysis exploring researcher and user framing of robot design
DIYbio things: open source biology tools as platforms for hybrid knowledge production and scientific participation


Interaction Using Specific Capabilities or Modalities

This subcommittee will focus on advances in interaction that use capabilities, modalities, or technologies that have not yet been fully exploited in standard approaches to interaction. These contributions will be judged in part by their novelty and their ability to extend user capabilities in powerful new ways or to new contexts. Example areas include, but are not limited to: multimodal user interfaces, tactile and tangible interfaces, speech I/O, auditory I/O, physiological computing, on-body and brain-computer interfaces, perception and vision-based systems, and augmented reality.

Subcommittee Chairs:

Chris Harrison, Carnegie Mellon University
Shengdong Zhao, National University of Singapore


Associate Chairs:

Abhijit Karnik, Lancaster University
Andy WIlson, Microsoft
Anne Roudaut, University of Bristol
Audrey Girouard, Carleton University
Christian Holz, Microsoft Research
Cosmin Munteanu, University of Toronto
Daniel Avrahami, FXPAL
Gilles Bailly, Télécom ParisTech
Géry Casiez, Université de Lille
Jingtao Wang, University of Pittsburgh
Michael Haller, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Per Ola Kristensson, University of Cambridge
Robert J.K. Jacob, Tufts University
Simon Perrault, National University of Singapore
Stephen Brewster, University of Glasgow
Tovi Grossman, Autodesk Research
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Simon Fraser University
Yang Li, Google Research

Click to view example papers
Non-Intrusive Tongue Machine Interface
SensaBubble: A Chrono-Sensory Mid-Air Display of Sight and Smell
VocalSketch: Vocally Imitating Audio Concepts
Smart Flashlight: Map Navigation Using a Bike-Mounted Projector
Combining Body Pose, Gaze, and Gesture to Determine Intention to Interact in Vision-Based Interfaces
As Light as your Footsteps: Altering Walking Sounds to Change Perceived Body Weight, Emotional State and Gait
Perception of Ultrasonic Haptic Feedback on the Hand: Localisation and Apparent Motion
iSkin: Flexible, Stretchable and Visually Customizable On-Body Touch Sensors for Mobile Computing
More Than Touch: Understanding How People Use Skin as an Input Surface for Mobile Computing
Skinput: appropriating the body as an input surface
A role for haptics in mobile interaction: initial design using a handheld tactile display prototype
Exploring Affective Communication Through Variable-Friction Surface Haptics
The Effects of Tactile Feedback and Movement Alteration on Interaction and Awareness with Digital Embodiments
Evaluation of Hear-Through Sound Localization
Musink: composing music through augmented drawing
To Beep or Not to Beep? Comparing Abstract versus Language-Based Multimodal Driver Displays
Classifying Driver Workload Using Physiological and Driving Performance Data: Two Field Studies
Proprioceptive Interaction
An EEG-based Approach for Evaluating Audio Notifications under Ambient Sounds
Examining the Reliability of Using fNIRS in Realistic HCI Settings for Spatial and Verbal Tasks
Detecting Error-Related Negativity for Interaction Design
Designing Tangible Video Games: Lessons Learned from the Sifteo Cubes
Kickables: Tangibles for Feet
Using Rhythmic Patterns as an Input Method
Content Destabilization for Head-Mounted Displays
A Dose of Reality: Overcoming Usability Challenges in VR Head-Mounted Displays
MisTable: Reach-through Personal Screens for Tabletops
IllumiRoom: Peripheral Projected Illusions for Interactive Experiences
Laser Origami: Laser Cutting 3D Objets
Circuit stickers: peel-and-stick construction of interactive electronic prototypes
FreeD: A Freehand Digital Sculpting Tool


Understanding People: Theory, Concepts, Methods

This subcommittee is suitable for papers whose primary contribution is improved understanding of people or interactional contexts. This understanding may be derived from quantitative or qualitative empirical research, or it may be conceptual in nature. Core contributions typically take the form of insightful findings, evolved theories, models, concepts, or methods. Contributions will be judged in part by their rigor, significance, validity, and practical or theoretical impact.

Subcommittee Chairs:

Andrew Howes, University of Birmingham
Antti Oulasvirta, Aalto University
Ed Chi, Google
Mark Perry, Brunel University London


Associate Chairs:

Anna Cox, University College London
Antti Salovaara, Aalto University
Bongwon Suh, Seoul Nation University
Carman Neustaedter, Simon Fraser University
Dan Russell, Google
David Ayman Shamma, Yahoo Labs
David Coyle, University College Dublin
David Kirk, Newcastle University
Duncan Brumby, University College London
Ed Cutrell, Microsoft
Gary Hsieh, University of Washington
Hao-Chuan Wang, National Tsing Hua University
Helen Petrie, University of York
Henriette Cramer, Yahoo!
Jeff Huang, Brown University
Jeni Paay, Aalborg University
John Tang, Microsoft
Judd Antin, Facebook
Kasper Hornbæk, University of Copenhagen
Loren Terveen, University of Minnesota
Louise Barkhuus, Stockholm University
Luigina Ciolfi, Sheffield Hallam University
Mary Czerwinski, Microsoft
Matt Jones, Swansea University
Mauro Cherubini, Google
Max Wilson, University of Nottingham
Niels Henze, University of Stuttgart
Pam Briggs, Northumbria University
Parmit Chilana, University of Waterloo
Rowanne Fleck, University of Birmingham
Sean Munson, University of Washington
Shumin Zhai, Google
Sian Lindley, Microsoft
Stephen J. Payne, University of Bath
Steven Drucker, Microsoft
Susan Fussell, Cornell University
Wai Tat Fu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Eindhoven University of Technology

Click to view example papers
Your Money’s No Good Here: The Introduction of Compulsory Cashless Payments on London’s Buses
Measuring Crowdsourcing Effort with Error-Time Curves
Break It Down: A Comparison of Macro- and Microtasks
What Makes Interruptions Disruptive? A Process-Model Account of the Effects of the Problem State Bottleneck on Task Interruption and Resumption
Color Portraits: From Color Picking to Interacting with Color
Understanding and Supporting Fathers and Fatherhood on Social Media Sites
Resilience Mitigates the Negative Effects of Adolescent Internet Addiction and Online Risk Exposure
I’d Hide You: Performing Live Broadcasting in Public
“Everyone Is Talking about It!”: A Distributed Approach to Urban Voting Technology and Visualisations
A Muddle of Models of Motivation For Using Peer-to-Peer Economy Systems
Flexible Ecologies And Incongruent Locations
Understanding Individual Differences for Tailored Smoking Cessation Apps
Resilience Ex Machina: Learning a Complex Medical Device for Haemodialysis Self-Treatment
Emotions Mediated Through Mid-Air Haptics
The Effects of Chronic Multitasking on Analytical Writing
Measuring Photoplethysmogram-Based Stress-Induced Vascular Response Index to Assess Cognitive Load and Stress
Exploring Time-Dependent Concerns about Pregnancy and Childbirth from Search Logs
Situational Ethics: Re-thinking Approaches to Formal Ethics Requirements for Human-Computer Interaction
Rare World: Towards Technology for Rare Diseases
Improving Multilingual Collaboration by Displaying How Non-native Speakers Use Automated Transcripts and Bilingual Dictionaries
Unequal Representation and Gender Stereotypes in Image Search Results for Occupations
Comparing Person- and Process-centric Strategies for  Obtaining Quality Data on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Data-in-Place: Thinking through the Relations Between Data and Community
Unequal Time for Unequal Value: Implications of Differing Motivations for Participation in Timebanking
Performance and Ergonomics of Touch Surfaces: A Comparative Study using Biomechanical Simulation


Interaction Techniques and Devices

This subcommittee focuses on new interaction techniques, technologies, and devices for input and output. Contributions will be judged in part based on their novelty or on their demonstrated improvements of existing interaction types. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: sensing, actuation, unconventional UIs, touch and multi-touch, 3D interaction, augmented/mixed/virtual reality, mobile interaction, novel displays, and devices of different sizes and configurations.

Subcommittee Chairs:

Alex Olwal, Google
Mira Dontcheva, Adobe


Associate Chairs:

Ali Israr, Disney Research
Francois Guimbretiere, Cornell University
Gabe Cohn, Microsoft
Gudrun Klinker, TU München
Jason Alexander, Lancaster University
Jun Rekimoto, The University of Tokyo
Maneesh Agrawala, University of California Berkeley
Marti Hearst, University of California Berkeley
Mathieu Nancel, Aalto University
Olivier Bau, Samsung
Otmar Hilliges, ETH Zurich
Petra Isenberg, Inria
Saleema Amershi, Microsoft
Scott Hudson, Carnegie Mellon University
Sean Follmer, Stanford University
Sebastian Boring, University of Copenhagen
Stefanie Mueller, Hasso Plattner Institute
Sven Kratz, FXPAL
Takeo Igarashi, The University of Tokyo
Wendy Mackay, Inria
Xiaojun Bi, Google

Click to view example papers
Expanding the Input Expressivity of Smartwatches with Physical Pan, Twist, Tilt and Click
GaussBricks: Magnetic Building Blocks for Constructive Tangible Interactions on Portable Displays
LACES: Live Authoring through Compositing and Editing of Streaming Video
RetroDepth: 3D Silhouette Sensing for High-Precision Input On and Above Physical Surfaces
Printing Teddy Bears: A Technique for 3D Printing of Soft Interactive Objects
Paddle: Highly Deformable Mobile Devices with Physical Controls
Lightweight Relief Shearing for Enhanced Terrain Perception on Interactive Maps
An Architecture for Generating Interactive Feedback in Probabilistic User Interfaces
Acoustruments: Passive, Acoustically-Driven, Interactive Controls for Handheld Devices
Cyclops: Wearable and Single-Piece Full-Body Gesture Input Devices
bioLogic: Natto Cells as Nanoactuators for Shape Changing Interfaces
Content-based tools for editing audio stories
The drawing assistant: automated drawing guidance and feedback from photographs
Cliplets: juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery
ReVision: automated classification, analysis and redesign of chart images
InterTwine: creating interapplication information scent to support coordinated use of software
Position-Correcting Tools for 2D Digital Fabrication
OctoPocus: a dynamic guide for learning gesture-based command sets
Investigating the Direct Manipulation of Ranking Tables for Time Navigation
Sensing Techniques for Mobile Interaction
SHARK2: A Large Vocabulary Shorthand Writing System for Pen-based Computers
SmartSkin: an infrastructure for freehand manipulation on interactive surfaces
As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation
FlexSense: a transparent self-sensing deformable surface
A screen-space formulation for 2D and 3D direct manipulation
Humantenna: using the body as an antenna for real-time whole-body interaction
SideBySide: ad-hoc multi-user interaction with handheld projectors
Sketching in Circuits: Designing and building electronics on paper
LaserOrigami: Laser-Cutting 3D Objects
PixelTone: a Multimodal Interface for Image Editing
Physical Telepresence: Shape Capture and Display for Embodied, Computer-mediated Remote Collaboration
RoomAlive: Magical Experiences Enabled by Scalable, Adaptive Projector-Camera Units
Mouse 2.0: Multi-touch meets the mouse
UltraHaptics: Multi-Point Mid-Air Haptic Feedback for Touch Surfaces
KinectFusion: real-time 3D reconstruction and interaction using a moving depth camera
Understanding Pen and Touch Interaction for Data Exploration on Interactive Whiteboards
Multi-finger gestural interaction with 3d volumetric displays
Conté: multimodal input inspired by an artist’s crayon
MouseLight: Bimanual Interaction on Paper using a Digital Pen and a Spatially-Aware Mobile Projector


Subcommittee FAQ

Several research areas could logically fit into more than one subcommittee. In an effort to ensure that appropriate ACs are available for every paper, for some of these “borderline” research areas, we’re encouraging submission to a specific subcommittee. This list will grow over time; if you feel an area should be added to this list, or if you have any other questions about this page, contact the Papers Chairs at .

  • Submissions that describe Systems-oriented research in computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) should be submitted to Technology, Systems, and Engineering. The Social Computing and CSCW subcommittee will review qualitative and quantitative studies of CSCW systems and practice. In the terminology recently used by the CSCW conference, papers described as “Systems” should go to the Technology, Systems, and Engineering subcommittee; papers described as “Empirical – Quantitative” and “Empirical – Qualitative” should go to the Social Computing and CSCW subcommittee.
  • Submissions primarily about Information Visualization should be submitted to Specific Application Areas.